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1.               Which character of the animated film "Bremen Town musicians" was not in the fairy tale of the same name?

2.               What is the name of Donald Duck’s sister?

3.               Which tall, clumsy and dimwitted dog is a close friend of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?

4.               What is the first name of Pinocchio’s cricket friend in the Disney cartoon movie?

5.               Kar-Karych’s  favorite dish.

6.               What lesson was "edible" in the series "First time in the first class" in the "Masha and the Bear"?

7.               In what city Peter Pan appears at the beginning of the cartoon?

8.               Which was the first Disney movie to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Picture?

9.               The song “You Can Fly” is from which Disney movie?


10.         What is the name of Bambi’s rabbit friend?

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