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                                           Парилова Анастасия Андреевна 

1. Прочитайте слова вспомните правила чтения буквы Ii

2.   На сегодняшнем уроке мы повторяем раздел 12 «Social issues».

Для начала давайте повторим слова, пройдите по ссылке https://quizlet.com/390665988/flashcards


Нажимая на карточку, вы услышите произношение слова, повторите за диктором. Чтобы перейти к следующей карточке нажмите на стрелочку. Если вы заметили, что какие-то слова не записаны в словарь, поработайте со словарем. 

3. А сейчас давайте поработаем над одним из заданий для подготовки к ВПР. Выполните следующее задание. 

А сейчас немного отдохните и выполните зарядку для глаз.

4. А теперь давайте вспомним Австралию и выполним проверочное задание. Прочитайте текст, заполните пропуски, выделенными словами (одно слово лишнее).

·         aboriginals

·         Australia

·         Ayers Rock

·         Canberra

·         England

·         eucalyptus trees

·         island

·         kangaroo

·         language

·         Murray River

·         prisoners

·         states

·         sun

·         Sydney

·         Tasmania

·         Western Australia


When we hear the word (1)_________________________ , we imagine boomerang, (2)______________________ , crocodiles, snakes.

Australia is a vast sub-continental land. It is today an independent member of the Commonwealth, self-governing since January 1, 1901. There are 6 (3) __________________ and an island Tasmania: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and (4) __________________ . The capital of the country is (5)____________________________. The biggest city of Australia is (6) ________________________________ .

It is located in the state of New South Wales. It's the best-known place in Australia. But New South Wales has more than cities. There are, for example, the Blue Mountains. They are covered with forests of blue colored (7)___________________  . The air above the forest contains millions of microscopic drops of eucalyptus oil. When the (8) ___________________  shines, the air of the Blue Mountains is a real, beautiful blue colour.

(9) ______________________is an island in the south of Australia. It s not big. It's the same size as (10) _____________  . It also differs from the other Australian states. There are no deserts in Tasmania. It often rains, both in winter and summer. Only half a million people live in Tasmania, and a large part of the (11) _____________________  is still covered with wild, beautiful wild forests. These forests are full of wonderful flowers and interesting animals. Once upon a time, there was living a nation of Tasmanian people. They spoke their own (12)________________ , had own culture. In a few decades after arrival of white people, they disappeared as a nation.

Talking about the history of Australia, I should add that Australia as a whole has always been within the British sphere of influence. Firstly, it was the big colony for (13)_______________________. It is a ridiculous fact but it is true. Later, it became an ordinary south country.

Every year, thousands of tourists visit (14)__________________________  that is located in the Northern Territory and a strange group of huge red stones, which are holy to the (15)__________________.



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