Bringing up Children

the formative years - годы, когда складывается личность ребёнка

to progress (regress) in one’s development - развиваться, совершенствоваться, делать успехи

o encourage a child - ободрять; поощрять, поддерживать

reassurance - заверение (повторное); подтверждение; 

happy home backgrounds – благоприятная домашняя обстановка / предпосылки

capacity to restrain anger - способность сдерживать; обуздывать; удерживать гнев

not to force one’s will on a child - навязывать

to avoid labeling children (stupid, silly, foolish) - прикреплять ярлык, этикетку, навешивать бирку

to win smb. over - расположить к себе; склонить на свою сторону; 

to shake smb.’s confidence - поколебать уверенность

1. Watch the video. What's the main message of the story? What do we learn from it?

2. Watch the video and answer the questions.

1.   What does the word "alike" mean? Does it have a different meaning in the context of
this film?
Why do you think the film is called "Alike"?

2.   How do the son and the father feel every time when they lose colour? How is colour
metaphorically communicated throughout the story?

3.   What adjectives would you use to describe the boy? The father?

4.   How are the father and son alike? How are they different?


5.   What is the message of the film? Do you agree or disagree?

3. Match the phrases with the pictures.

A. take after someone, B. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, C. to follow in someone's footsteps, D. to wear the trousers, E. born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, F. to run in the family, G. in one's blood, H. the apple of one's eye, I. mummy's boy.

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